The “First” Hike

Well… that was harder than it should have been!

Starting is always the easiest part of any change. So, knowing that I have not been keeping up with my health lately, I’d decided that me and my sons should go on a hike up by Loon Lake, CA. I figured the only way I will change these bad habits is to start new ones. So, one day a week I will go for a hike up in the woods.

So this week I chose a simple 3.2 mile hike at 6400 feet with little to no preparation from the couch. We packed up our backpacks and laced up the old boots and headed up to the starting point of the Chalet at the power station.

It was a beautiful day, clear and warm, perfect for a hike! There was just a little bit of snow left on the ground from a storm a few days ago and we only needed light clothes to stay warm while hiking. As the three of us started off down the trail, we all started our watches for the hike and stated talking about whatever.

However, it wasn’t long before I realized I’ve been spending too much time on the couch at low altitude. The trail soon turned uphill, and so did my heart rate! Wow! It became apparent that this was going to be a lot harder than I had anticipated. The hike was above my current fitness level. This easy hike, that I had picked for its easy length and relative flatness, was not my easy. I became a mess, struggling to make it up each hill, and barely recovering on the downs.

The rest of the hike was a struggle for me, even though it was a simple out and back. I’m grateful for the hike and the “eye opening” nature of it, reminding me to get back in some resemblance of shape so I can enjoy the outdoors again.

It really was a great hike with beautiful views and great conversation (when I could breathe). The time with my sons was priceless, and they loved it enough that they want to go each week with me! I’m also thankful that they are kind enough to help out their old dad get back to it. I guess that means I will be writing about more hikes with my boys! 

When was the last time you went too far from your “normal”?

Author: Matthew

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